Authorization for Release of Medical Information (outgoing)


Authorization for Use/Disclosure of Information

I voluntarily consent to authorize healthcare provider to release my personal health information to the recipient(s) that I have identified below.

Previous Healthcare Provider: Big Island Healthcare
Address/City/State/Zip: 633 Ponahawai Street, Suite 101, Hilo, HI 96720 & 409 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, HI 96720
Phone: (808) 885-3627
Fax: (808) 969-3852


I authorize my healthcare information be released to the following recipient:

Electronic Records
Paper Records
Address (if different from above)

I understand and acknowledge that certain information which may be contained in the medical record requires specific authorization for disclosure and, except as otherwise provided by law, such information may be disclosed without my specific consent.

Additionally, I have the right to refuse disclosure and prevent any other person from disclosing sensitive information. Such information could include: (1) treatment for mental or emotional conditions, (2) alcohol/drug abuse, and/or (3) HIV testing and/or test results.
DO NOT release my sensitive information

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Information to be released/disclosed (check all that apply):


I understand that my health care provider cannot guarantee that the recipient will not redisclose my health information to a third party. The third party may not be required to abide by this Authorization or applicable federal and state law governing the use and disclosure of my health information.

I do hereby agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless, Big Island Healthcare, its officers, directors, employees, agents and members of its medical staff, from and against my claims against or liability incurred by it at any time, arising out of or in connection with the disclosure of medical information authorized by me pursuant to this consent. Signing this authorization may cause the health information used or disclosed pursuant to this authorization to no longer receive the protection of federal privacy laws.

This consent may be revoked at any time by notifying us, in writing, at the address above, except to the extent that the receiving facility has already taken action in reliance on it. This consent and authorization shall automatically expire six (6) months from the date of the consent, unless revoked by the patient’s authorized representative prior to that time.
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